- Where is it?

If this fund is SO transparent and on the up and up, why then does the site now redirect to the Hickory Refuge Church?  We are challenging Brandon Greeson, Tim Curtis and Uziel Medina to make a statement because as it stands now it is our opinion that this fund is a FRAUD, and the actions of this group further prove their dishonesty.

EDITED TO ADD:  Please note that some of the links contained in the comment section are NSFW!  They contain the porn sites alleged to be used by Brandon Greeson (username brgnrh of Hickory, NC) and Tim Curtis (username ncchub26).  View at your own risk!

18 comments to - Where is it?

  • Hmm looks like some one is trying to hide all their tracks.

  • There is only one reason one would hide their tracks: GUILTY of impropriety.

  • Brenda

    Too bad they are a day (or 2) late and a dollar short.

  • excerpt of email sent by Greeson to Anne Fischer showing what he is like when he doesn't get his way.

    You told Will, our friend, that the only solution you had was for him to come and stay in a homeless shelter in Burke County.

    Anne, you and I know that this behavior is what lead me to make my escape from your campaign. You frequently gossip about leaders in the Democratic Party and now have resorted to attacking your friends and those who have tried to work to make your campaign successful. You have only raised about $70 since you started your campaign last summer.

    As I told you in my resignation letter, folks are not supporting your campaign because your personal issues are divisive and they consider you a public embarrassment to the Democratic Party. As a pro-choice candidate, you lost the endorsement and support of Emily's List because you were unable to clearly articulate your position. (In the survey you completed, you used a "female symbol" in your response — rather than writing the word woman. Your emails are constantly full of abbreviated words and folks do not understand you).

    Will Bigger was not malicious toward you and provided you with very wise and reliable campaign advice. When you told him that he had to stay in a homeless shelter to work for your campaign, you broke the final straw with him. On March 3, 2010 at 6:57am, he wrote to the campaign and resigned. Do you not remember, I called you early that morning and read Will's email to you? You were not aware he was no longer involved in the campaign, until that point. So, you are blatantly dishonest in saying that you "let him go." You owe Will an apology.

    Anne, your email was so malicious. You attacked YOUR FRIEND, who you disrespected and called you out on your actions. Do you think anyone will support your campaign, knowing that doing so could result in a public attack like you did to Will? Anne, you know that Will was a member of AmeriCorps before coming to work for your campaign. You know he has served as an intern to a member of the US House of Representatives. You know he has run for political office himself and has been a loyal supporter of Democratic ideals.

    In my experience with Will, he has always been very professional and kind — including the time that I worked with him as part of your campaign. He has given time to your campaign and never billed you for his work. All he asked of you was to let him sleep on your sofa to help you make a fundraising event successful. He offered to do it for free and even pay for his own gas to make the trip. What does he get in return? This.

    You should be ashamed of yourself. Democrats across the 10th district are embarrassed and ashamed that you want to represent us. Anne, do you realize how hard Democrats have worked to prove their honesty and integrity? Do you know how many candidates running this year in local and state elections have sacrificed their careers to run for office and change the course of our communities?

    Your public escapades not only make yourself look like a fool, but they damage the reputation of the Democratic Party, and quiet frankly, we have had enough.

    The best help you can be to the Democratic Party, right now, is to withdrawal your name from this race and focus on what you do well in the community. Advocate for our environment, for animals and for women & children. Stop putting us through this public embarrassment and for Christ's sake — stop attacking your friends for being honest with you.

    Anne, you are not only out of touch with the 10th district — you are out of touch with your own party. Maybe, you should consider the last piece of advice Will gave you.


    Brandon Greeson
    Former Communications Director

  • Now just take this one line from that letter of his...

    "Your public escapades not only make yourself look like a fool, but they damage the reputation of the Democratic Party, and quiet frankly, we have had enough."

    and change a few words and it applies to him...

    Your public escapades not only make yourself look like a fool, but they damage the reputation of those who truly care for Zahra, and quiet frankly, we have had enough.

    Can you say Pot Meet Kettle?

  • When the felt meets the ba..........? Oh...wrong website.

    They shut the "fund" because their butts are in deep shit Arkansas. Did they meet their $10,000 goal as they were screeching for on Facebook? I would hope that the State of North Carolina seeks the records from Google checkout and from the credit card processing company that they were using to ascertain the amount of money that they took in. They made a heck of a lot more than the $627 that they stated on the fund report. What happened to that fund transparency, boys? Cat got your tongues? Or your underwear?

  • Anonymous
    Tim Curtis' porn site.

  • Anonymous

    Websites claiming to help little Zahra LINKED TO PORN? Listen to the end of the news. WOW!

  • Whupsssss Did someone get caught with their thong down?

  • Anonymous

    This was released today:


    November 3, 2010

    HICKORY, NC – Spiritual Counseling Network Healing & Deliverance Center makes the following statement to the media:

    On October 18, 2010 we started the Zahra Baker Fund to assist in locating and supporting efforts to locate Zahra Baker, a 10-year old Australian-native who went missing in our hometown of Hickory, NC. From the beginning, our efforts were totally sincere and genuine.

    The media circus that has resulted primarily the result of false accusations and lies, and a number of threats of violence we have received, has caused us to rethink our efforts to assist in this endeavor. After careful consideration, the Board of Elders has decided to suspend our efforts. Effectively immediately, Spiritual Counseling Network will no longer accept donations or make solicitation for Zahra Baker Fund.

    To date, we have raised $712.29. At this time, we are prayerfully awaiting the discovery of Zahra’s body. Once it is found, we will offer support to cover expenses related to her funeral/memorial or to aid in the transportation of her body back to Australia – as is decided by her family (which lives in Australia). We may also assist with transportation costs associated with her family coming from Australia to the United States to claim Zahra’s body. If no assistance is needed, we will disperse the balance of the account to a non-profit organization that educates the public against child abuse, neglect and/or exploitation - likely one who has assisted in Zahra’s disappearance.

    We encourage the public that would still like to support ongoing efforts to locate Zahra, to make financial gifts to the Center for Missing and Exploited Children. Individuals interested in giving financially for a reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of those responsible, are encouraged to give to a local Crime Stoppers organization who are already offering rewards in this case.

    Following legal advice we have received, no further comment will be available at this time surrounding any potential legal actions that we may be considering against individual(s) or any actions against individuals who have disseminated threats of violence against the ministry and our staff.

    # # #

  • Threats? Oh Puleeeaasseeee! There have been no threats. They are running because they have been outed (for lack of a better word)as frauds! Playing the sue card yet again to try to intimidate people. Not gonna work.

    Sue away boys. You placed yourselves out there and people had every right to check out just who was getting there money. It's not our fault you two didn't have the brains to delete your porn sites prior to getting involved in this case and calling yourselves Ministers.

  • No, no, no...Google checkout needs to turn over the sums collected, as does the credit card processing company that they are utilizing. The individuals on Facebook who donated money to them - they need to be contacted. I hope that the citizens of Catawba County and the State of North Carolina DEMAND a FULL ACCOUNTING of this organization. Threats made? Really? Need I turn over the IP that posted real names and how easy it was to get addresses to locals' homes? How about the fact that these men used the NCMEC logo without permission on their missing poster - adding their Zahra Baker fund info so as to appear that the NCMEC had vetted them?

    Who didn't see this coming? They got caught with their pants down. LMAO (no pun intended)

  • Wait, where was that released if they don't have a website to release it?

  • Reverend Short Cork is angry.

  • Anonymous

    Finally! However, why are they not RIGHT NOW disbursing the funds that have been collected? That would seem like a reasonable thing to do. From what I have seen, I do not think these people have any reason to bring legal action against anyone as the things that were discovered about their public and personal lives/habits were available due to public records and websites they chose to participate with. I would think that the public was remiss if they did not question the ethics of any/all groups and organizations soliciting money using the name of the missing child. IF someone has threatened violence, I would view that as something not to be tolerated by anyone, to include those opposed to this particular group.

  • Anonymous

    I find it interesting that "they" decide to take the Zahra Fund down and solict no more contributions in her name, the day after several were contacted by the Sec of State's investigators & lawyers. Do you think they may have been a tad bit worried that the AG said they are concerned about many things with them, including the Fund. IMO, they didn't suddenly find any morals & take down the fund. They took it down because, IMO, they were caught.
    For the record, I have followed this story from the beginning, all the comments thrown back & forth & I have never seen anyone threaten these guys. I have however, seen them make what I view as threats to others who were asking questions about the Fund.
    If you put yourself out there as a man of God who only wants to do the Lord's work, then make sure that is sincerly how you are spending your time. No one shames you but yourself.
    What I have learned about you since the Zahra Baker Fund came to be is how you have publically bullied clients & staff at CVBH, how you bullied agencies about not allowing LGBT to adopt or foster children & how you have bullied a group of "girls" who simply set about to make sure Zahra was not being exploited in death. IMO, your behaviors have done nothing to further the awareness of budget cuts to the mental health programs, state wide, it has done nothing to promote awareness nor educate about what wonderful parents LGBT's can be and are every single day. It has done nothing to assist in finding Zahra, nothing to create the reward fund, nothing to create awareness of abuse, neglect & exploitation of children, nothing to bring her family here, they got here on their own without your funds as far as I know.
    So why not do the Christian thing, offer an apology & man up.

  • I can assure you no one in this group threatened violence in any way. We don't operate that way. Wasn't hard to figure out it was a scam. Biggest clue, the use of Zahra's name to register the website with out the families permission. How many of us on crime forums have seen that done many times? Then to throw in the 33 dollar Doctor of Divinity degree purchased online! Add in the porn videos that were made. I mean we all know how much Christ would approve of that right?

    They made it easy for us.

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