Police: Zahra's Remains Found

We all knew that this day would come, but hearing the words that Police Chief Tom Adkins choked back was difficult to bear.

"I've been dreading this moment from early on in the investigation," said Hickory Police Chief Tom Adkins, who explained that investigators matched the bone with the child's DNA. "We have recovered enough physical evidence to think we have found Zahra."

Zahra won't get to celebrate her 11th birthday this week because she was murdered.  Murdered most likely by the people that were to protect her from the evils of the world and who were to keep her from the monsters.  As it turns out, poor little Zahra lived with monsters.  Monsters who taunted her because she was ill.  Monsters who made fun of her because she had one leg and would make her run up and down a hill until she would collapse in pain.  Monsters!  When children think of monsters they think of stranger danger outside of the home who they are constantly warned of and always to be on guard for...not mommy and daddy.

It sickens me to the core to think of the atrocities that Zahra went through.  It further sickens me that Brandon Greeson and Tim Curtis attempted to use this child's dire situation as a marketing platform.  They will NEVER get a free pass for that, and as long as this author has breath I will make sure that no one forgets what they tried to do.  They are no better than the murderous parents.

It sickens me that Adam Baker is still walking around a free man when he certainly knows what happened to his daughter.  May the wheels of justice move swiftly, and ALL who sinned against this child pay for their bad deeds.

24 comments to Police: Zahra's Remains Found

  • It's very difficult but I think finding out what those nightmares actually did to her is even going to be worse. She suffered under the stepmonster's care but by the look of the room & the clean up they attempted they all but tore her apart in her little attic bedroom. All she did to deserve the pain and misery was simply being alive in that house. I don't know why both parents aren't in jail, but it's only a matter of time, there was no stranger. The people who hurt and killed her were in her own home.

  • Sandi

    That's what makes this case even more horrible. Parents are supposed to be there to protect their children; not murder them. I will NEVER understand how a parent can do harm to their own flesh and blood. Even if they claim they found her dead, why not call 911? Was it greed that kept them from doing so? Were they receiving disability checks for Zahra? Was her life worth so little to them that they dismembered her and tossed her off to the side of the road like trash? I agree that when we find out more that the reality of her last days and what they did to her after her death are going to be even more than hardened LE can bear.

  • Anonymous

    My husband heard the reason daddy is not in jail is because the prosecuter would then have to share discovery. I guess that's the reason they haven't charged step mom with her murder either. No doubt they want a rock solid case as even a seasoned Chief of Police choked back tears both times he spoke to the camera's regarding Zahra. I would think when the rest of the SBI & ME results come back we will see murder charges.
    As a child I was very abused by my dad & step mom. I was very young, wondering how can a daddy & a mom ( meaning my step mom) not love their child. I suspect Zahra cried herself to sleep wondering the same thing.
    Besides coming away with a heavy heart, tears & so much sadness, we also need to shout it from the roof tops that abuse is never okay. We need to make sure all the children in our life know it's never okay, that is not the time to mind your own business. If you don't feel like child welfare is doing anything, call the police, call the child welfare worker's boss & the boss beyond that if need be.
    God Bless this beautiful little girl. She is safe in his loving arms now.

  • Anonymous

    Sandi, I would suggest you take a big dose of Malox (since you are so sick of this and that) and a long look in the mirror. Your penmanship has been totally in left field since you start attacking Tim & Brandon.

    To equate them to those responsible for hurting Zahra is unacceptable. You are vile and think you are better than anyone else who is not on your bandwagon. Your haughty spirit just shows what kind of person you are.

    You dug up dirt about their past. Guess what, everyone has skeletons. But to attack anyone who tries to make Zahra's life mean something, is sad. Your issue was the fact that they were raising money in Zahra's name. The National Center for Missing & Exploited Children does that every single day. Why aren't you and your group of retired grandmothers going after them?

    A look back at your efforts shows that anyone who starts an effort to make a child's life mean something in their death - other than NCMEC - you have attacked. Do you have a connection with NCMEC? You use fake names, aliases and fake mailing addresses... why don't you let us know who you really are? Let everyone have the opportunity to know the real Sandi Smith and see what kinds of skeletons you have.

    Anyone with common sense sees right through your arrogance and haughtiness. Notice how their FB page has continued to grow? Notice how folks are supportive of the efforts? Come clean Sandi Smith...

  • Their past? No don't think so. Not when Brandon's porn page was showing him logged into the site at different times of the days just prior to it getting out that he had one. They love to tell people it was their past but we all know Brandon was on there often. As for Sandi showing who she is, this coming from someone who posts as anonymous? I love how those getting caught and shown as frauds always scream the old line of "show us who you really are" but of course it is even funnier when an "Anonymous" poster says it.

    Why do we not get upset at NCMEC taking donations? Because they are a LEGAL non profit organization and accountable for every penny they take in donations where as the boys are not! They do not have permission from the family to use Zahra's name, they did not have permission from NCMEC to use their logo on their posters, they did not have permission from LE to say that they were supported by them. They used them only to scam people into believing they were working with NCMEC, LE and Zahra's family so that people would give them money. Their FB page can grow all it wants but they are no longer collecting money using Zahra's name and are being investigated by the AG and IRS because of their lies.

    Mission Accomplished :)

  • Oh and just so you know, I'm not retired and not a grandmother yet. But thanks for your concerns :)

  • Anonymous

    Just FYI... The National Center for Missing and Exdploited Children was established in 1984 by the United States Congress. It is primarily funded by the Justice Dept.
    They do not use the name of a specific child to gather donations. Look at their website and you will understand this.

    Team Adam from the NCMEC was requested by Law Enforcement working on Zahra's case. I know this information from speaking directly to NCMEC. Does it not seem reasonable to think that money gathered using Zahra's name by those who did so could possibly be donated to NCMEC since they actually put boots on the ground when asked to?

    Cannot you figure out that having an association with 'questionable websites' and using any child's name for any purpose do not go well together?????? Cannot you figure out that using a website to get donations in the name of Zahra appeared to only serve to promote your so called ministry? It is unacceptable that you used zahrabaker.com without a thought as to whether it was appropriate to do so. Maybe you just do not understand about any of it. I think the word 'ethics' has not applied to the behaviors above. Just my opinion.

    Note: I do not know any of the posters on this board so I have no clue whether they are retired grandmothers. If they are...good for them as they have spent the time and effort to do the research...

  • Anonymous

    Ya know.. just because someone does file the "correct paperwork" doesn't mean they are honest. Doesn't mean the monies go to the cause stated. Perhaps .01 on the 1.00 hmm Kidfinders comes to mind and there are numerous others.

    You keep on your bandwagon Ms. Sandi Smith..... It is an honorable bandwagon.

    I also wonder how the diploma mill reverends also were foster parents ... makes me wonder how well ANYTHING is investigated these days in regards to children. I pity the children in foster care with people like this.

    Someone needs to truly stand up for the child. Society has let alot of people down. They say it takes a community to raise a child and I just don't see the morals of a community as being good enough in my opinion to even raise a cocker spaniel with the exception of an individual here or there.

    I think I'd rather be a "few" people's dog than most people's child. Sad isn't it?

  • Anonymous

    Ah, the boyz are just jealous because there is no "glory hole" retirement fund. Since they say they take no salary from the counseling service, don't guess they will be earning retirement from that either. Surely their retirement fund isn't them banking on shaking their "money maker?" Between being under sized and pimple on their ass, I don't think that's a winning idea. I know, get a job asswipes.

  • Anonymous

    Pass the Malox. Do you not just get sick when they claim it's all in their past! Bull poop. If you had your nasty ass & baby balls posted in a gay porn site & suddenly got religon, you think you might be ashamed and remove it? If you had your nasty fat fat fat fat fat gut on the gay web site stating your love of twinks ( twinkies too I think) and you suddenly got religon, you would think you would be ashamed and take your site down. Again, it's "glory be to God" when it suits them & "glory be to holes" when that suits them. Whatever makes a buck that day.
    Great job Sandi & crew. They have been stripped on the power to collect money using Zahra's name. No one fear s these creeps, they laugh & mock them. I am sure the "much sought after guest speaker" aint so in demand ( like he ever was). Add to that several agencies investigating them & they are more done than the pork they stuff in their pie hole. Bye Bye Boyz and yes, please bend over & pick up the soap in the big house.

  • Anonymous

    Hey fellas, do you ever ask yourself What Would Jesus Do?
    how's that paper work coming along? Got it all sent in yet?

  • Anonymous

    "Surely their retirement fund isn't them banking on shaking their "money maker?" Between being under sized and pimple on their ass, I don't think that's a winning idea. I know, get a job asswipes."

    I hear tell Brandon does enjoy a good "Cabaret" with the queens. Maybe he can dance around with them?

  • Anonymous

    Nope, orange ball sack boy is done dancing with the queens. Rumor has it he is banned from the club Cabaret. The people who enjoy the Cabaret don't want the likes of these 2 aournd them.

  • Hammer Time

    I'm kinda thinking they're asking themselves- WWOJD - "What Would OJ Do"?

    Where IS Rev. Uziel Medina, boyz??? Pimping him out to pay your bills or using him for your own personal perversions? You be sure and get back to us on that one.

  • I'll take some Maalox®. Oh, and the bbbboys will take some spellcheck and a giant box of MORALITY.

    To equate them to those responsible for hurting Zahra is unacceptable.

    Really, Timoballcupobrandon? You are BLOOD SUCKING COFFIN FLIES.

  • Posted by the Praise the Lard Club: To equate them to those responsible for hurting Zahra is unacceptable.

    Just making sure that this is known to be written by the unholy reverend's and their evil disassociated personalities. I do find you both to be just as disgusting as those who hurt Zahra. You used the tragedy of this young girl to profit. You used her disappearance and murder as a marketing platform, and not once has this ever been about Zahra. It has always been about fattening your wallets. Scumbags.

  • BlueTiki

    "To equate them to those responsible for hurting Zahra is unacceptable."

    Really? Their responses, attitudes and pathology expose uncanny similarities, to me.

    Hey! Let’s Play . . .


    Grammatical and spelling errors on Elisa Baker’s MySpace page and jailhouse “flirt” letters Grammatical and spelling errors on Brokeback Timmy’s Refuge page and NC Secretary of State letters

    Falsely claims academic pursuit and achievement of post secondary education degree – Elisa Baker – “College Graduate”
    Falsely claims academic pursuit and achievement of post secondary education degree – Brokeback Timmy “Doctorate of Divinity”

    Not gainfully employed; depends on the fruits of others’ sweat and toil for income – Elisa Baker
    Not gainfully employed; depends on the fruits of others’ sweat and toil for income – Brokebacks Timmy and Brandon

    Under investigation by Law Enforcement (Police) – Elisa and Adam Baker
    Under investigation by Law Enforcement (Attorney General) – Brokebacks Timmy and Brandon

    Released on Bond – Adam Baker
    Released on Probation – Brokeback Brandon

    Identifies self as a “Fairy” (Gothic) – Elisa Baker
    Identifies self as a “Fairy” (Homosexual) – Brokebacks Timmy and Brandon

    Innocent: takes the “rap” for something they didn’t do – Elisa Baker – Ransom Note
    Innocent: takes the “rap” for something they didn’t do – Brokeback Brandon – Credit Card Fraud

    NO public supporters – Elisa and Adam Baker
    NO public supporters – Brokebacks Timmy and Brandon

    Actions scrutinized by public – Elisa and Adam Baker
    Actions scrutinized by public – Brokeback Timmy and Brandon

    Blames others for telling lies about them – Elisa Baker
    Blames others for telling lies about them – Brokeback Timmy and Brandon

    Really? You REALLY think the comparison is “unacceptable”?

    Go figure.

  • BlueTiki

    Hey Timmy and Brandee . . .

    Just wonderin' why you don't identify your ministry's "Board of Elders" on yur nifty new sites?

    Ain't they the fellers makin' all the decisions fer yur ministry? Seems only right fer folks to know who they is.

    Also, it sure would be a big help if I knew what "community resources" ya'll is good 'n tight with, helping those poor folk in financial straights, to git your counseling.

    And Angela . . . how 'bout puttin' up yer bio. Them boyz is probably too busy trolling for hookups on their sex sites to give you your props.

    Or maybe it's the Adult Probation Department or the Attorney General that's a keepin' 'em busy.

    Don't be shy, girl! Put it out on Main Street. You ain't got nuthin' to hide, do ya?

    Lard Have Mercy!

  • Anonymous

    Beware one and all. These villians have assumed yet another psuedo identity intended to gain "inside" information. He/she is now posing as "gutsyl". When do you guys ever cease this sick game????

  • Anonymous

    Beware one and all. These villians have assumed yet another psuedo identity intended to gain "inside" information. He/she is now posing as "gutsyl". When do you guys ever cease this sick game????

    Those poor gender confused bastards. I think there has been at least 3 female pseudo id's in the past couple weeks. Geez, I am glad they are not the same size or they would be fighting over the dresses. It's okay assholes, we don't judge.

  • BlueTiki

    Poor Porno Bastard Preachers!

    Putting on their Big-Girl Pullups and primping for a phony post.

    The chubs have no one to stand up for them! Even Rev Angie and Uzi are hesitant to display their bio.

    But then again, maybe "Angela" is just another queen persona by these male sex site trolls. Who knows. Their Board of Elders identity is a mystery, too.

    Ignorant, cowardly, lazy, second-rate cons. Lard have mercy!

  • Anonymous

    Police in Hickory say DNA evidence from remains found near the creek area on Dudley Shoals Road are those of Zahra Baker.


  • Looks like it's time for them to donate that money.

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